Monday, June 1, 2009

The week gone by....

I know its been a week since my last post... it would seem that I have already lost the interest. But hey, I've been busy last week. Even a housewife CAN be busy so don't snigger...

So here's wht I've been doing the past week...

  • Last weekend... i mean the weekend before the one that's just gone by. Me and Ravi cleaned the house. I mean like really cleaned like going into the forgotten corners of the kitchen and the bedroom and pulling out the dirt... yucks. but anyways after 3 hours of nonstop back breaking work the effort was worth it. We had a sparkling kitchen, bedroom, living room and bathroom. Thts all there is to my house OK!
  • We had his friends over for dinner. I put all my cooking skills into use. Made a delicious dinner and my audience was licking their fingers all the way to home... :D m so happy.
  • I saw Lord of the rings - trilogy. Ok, i had never seen the movie before. I don't know why but somehow could never gather the interest nor the time to watch it. Now i regret it coz its such an amazing story I wish I'd seen it on the screen. And New Zealand is my new favourite place. We're definitely going to plan a vacation there and soon.
  • I completed my application for spouse VISA. I should be submitting it this week.
  • I started jogging again. I mean I started it a couple of weeks back. But then the shoes that I had bought were a size too small for me and I have the hugest feet in the world. So then I went back and exchanged them. Now they are just right. So now I have started jogging again and I hope to lose some serious fat!
  • We got membership of this DVD rental place so now I can see all the movies i ever wanted too to pass my time.
  • Saw the worst movie of my life till date. "Hills have eyes". Never.. ever.. never never ever see it
  • I got a call finally in reply to my application for a job. However that guy and me have been missing each other over phone since 3 days. When I call him he's busy and when he calls me I miss the call. Shit. Anyways.. fingers are still crossed.
So that was pretty much what my week looked like.
More update later!

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