Wednesday, May 20, 2009

For lack of anything original this is titled - My First Post

I was just thinking as I started to create my blog... how does one start blogging?
I mean what exactly prompts them to decide okie, today im gonna start blogging?
I dont know the answer really... maybe people need a platform to put-forth their world changing ideas.. maybe start a movement for a cause.. maybe not.
Maybe they just dont have enough friends who listen to them and so they need to pour the ramblings of their mind on the cyberspace.. maybe they just have an urge to write.. about anything and everything... maybe its a form of a personal diary.. only not so personal.. maybe people just want to confess something with the anonymity that Internet provides what they cannot confess to anyone else... and then maybe... just maybe there are people out there just like me who start blogging.... coz' they are bored.... Bored with a CAPITAL and
bold B...

I am in my late twenties, got married about 3 months ago and shifted from Delhi to Sydney, long jump that was.
Well I have stayed in Delhi for a real long part of my life and I love it. I did my MBA there and had a flashy job in the insurance industry.
Anyways now I'm in Sydney, looking for a job.. and with the recession and everything its tough :(
So I laze around at home, shop for groceries (I've never done that in my life before), cook, surf the net and basically while away my time while I'm waiting for the phone to ring and someone to call me with a job offer.
Meanwhile I got a bright idea.. why not blog. Ok, the idea came from my cousin who started blogging last year, but the inspiration (aha!) came from the need to utilise my time in a somewhat better manner....
So here I am... writing my first blog.
Oh b.t.w the title of my blog... basically refers to thoughts from random corners of my idle brain... and that's what I'm gonna write about.
c ya later

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