Friday, May 22, 2009

I Miss my Spark :(

Yesterday we got our marriage registered. What a contrast it was. I mean i remember 3 months back when we got married it was a whole two day affair with as many customs and traditions that can be thrown into one marriage. Shit. By the end of it you realise why most people in India get married only once. You just cant go through that torture again :P
But yesterday we got our marriage registered in Sydney. And we took our wows typical filmy ishhtyle... "do u take this man to be your husband" and so on. The whole thing took just 10 minutes. Thts it!!!!
When u think of it our traditional marriage was much much more fun and holy and sacred if u know wht i mean. Anyways...

We're having awesome weather here... is overcast and breezy and a totally romantic weather... its just the start of winter in Sydney. I am a winter person. Always have been and always will be. I mean when you grow up in Delhi heat of 40 - 45 degrees temp I don't understand how anyone can be a summer person.

So I was just looking out of my window n thinkin how much i wanted to go out for a drive. I'd bought a car about 2 years back in Delhi. A cute lil red chevvy Spark. It was love at first sight. Like we understood each other perfectly and were made for each other. My spark was my world. I used to be in a marketing role back then and so used to drive around the city quite a bit. Also my office was bout 25 kms from my house so me n my car used to spend a lot of time together. I used to wait to get into it and drive back from office at the end of the day. Like tht used to be MY time. Loud music.. something to munch on.. and ur ready to go. It never mattered that your stuck for 15 minutes at the South Ex flyover... or that Moolchand was almost always crawling at a speed of 20 kmph... or that the air is so thick with smoke that your lungs would instantly be coated with an inch thick layer of carbon if you rolled down your window. Tht 90 odd minutes it took to drive back home was my unwind time where I could forget about my work and my pain in the **s boss. And I used to love that time.

Now I drive a Honda Civic on the streets of Sydney. Nice car actually, all leather interiors and looks pretty sleek and sexy. Sydney has neat empty roads, hardly ever a traffic jam, the air is so clean you actually want to roll down your windows and let the breeze run through your hair. And everyone follows the rules. Everyone means everyone, no exceptions. It really a treat to drive.
You'd think I'm crazy, but I really miss my Spark somedays like this. I mean I wanna feel the thrill of breaking a red light once more and criss-crossing between lanes and traffic. You know the sense of achievement you have when u miss the pothole on the road coz you knew exactly where it was, coz its been there since ages. Poor guy in the fancy Toyota car dint know tht :P
I could drive my car with one finger on the wheel, apple in one hand and texting from my mobile with the other hand. And I could still overtake that 1980's Maruti in front of me from the wrong side.
Here you stick to your lanes, stick like glue. And turn your indicator on for everything. You wanna change lanes? on an empty road? Indicate. You wanna take a U turn? indicate. You don't wanna turn? Indicate. You wanna turn right on a road that automatically turns right? Indicate.
#$%&@* is what goes through your mind.
So right now I really wish I could drive my Spark in the middle of Ring road.

Hey i saw Phenomenon yesterday. Again. But i really love that movie. And John Travolta looks sexy. See it if you haven't already.
And i really hope Delhi wins today. My husband is rooting for Deccan though.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

What's in a name? Like they say.... everything

I am getting married tomorrow.
Okie before you raise your eyebrows, this is just a Visa formality.. The marriage needs to be registered in Australia according to the visa conditions and so, I am getting married tomorrow...
Of course the groom remains the same :P

Now i have this great big decision to make okie... whether to change my name or not?
I mean should i stay put with my maiden name, or should i adopt my husbands last name, or do i keep both?? confoozment...

Okie I am not one of those females who needs to prove a point or something by hanging on to my maiden name. I mean if you are a Barkha Dutt or an Asha Bhosle it is understandable... but i am obviously not them :P But seriously does one really need fight about it? Is your last name the only thing which defines your identity? Anyways.. I'm not gonna get into that right now.

So you'd say why am i in confusion in the first place. it's like this - I love my maiden name. Its something I've been hearing since i was born okie. It has a very attractive sound to it (who doesn't like their name). So i love it and I am attached to it.
But at the same time i like the thot of adopting my husbands last name. It gives me a very married and very belong to each other kind of feeling (i know.. too much mush)
Also I have another problem. I cannot keep both mine and my husbands last name. See the first alphabet of all the three is S... so my initials kind of become triple SSS. Worse the first three letters for all three are all "sur". Its really funny when u look at it. So its either gonna be mine or his last name.
So here I am stuck for a choice... what do i do??

My husband has totally left it up to me. So keeping in mind all the legal formalities for name change (passport, DL, bank accounts etc) the choice is a lil bit easier & I am presently still keeping my maiden name - for the time being.

For lack of anything original this is titled - My First Post

I was just thinking as I started to create my blog... how does one start blogging?
I mean what exactly prompts them to decide okie, today im gonna start blogging?
I dont know the answer really... maybe people need a platform to put-forth their world changing ideas.. maybe start a movement for a cause.. maybe not.
Maybe they just dont have enough friends who listen to them and so they need to pour the ramblings of their mind on the cyberspace.. maybe they just have an urge to write.. about anything and everything... maybe its a form of a personal diary.. only not so personal.. maybe people just want to confess something with the anonymity that Internet provides what they cannot confess to anyone else... and then maybe... just maybe there are people out there just like me who start blogging.... coz' they are bored.... Bored with a CAPITAL and
bold B...

I am in my late twenties, got married about 3 months ago and shifted from Delhi to Sydney, long jump that was.
Well I have stayed in Delhi for a real long part of my life and I love it. I did my MBA there and had a flashy job in the insurance industry.
Anyways now I'm in Sydney, looking for a job.. and with the recession and everything its tough :(
So I laze around at home, shop for groceries (I've never done that in my life before), cook, surf the net and basically while away my time while I'm waiting for the phone to ring and someone to call me with a job offer.
Meanwhile I got a bright idea.. why not blog. Ok, the idea came from my cousin who started blogging last year, but the inspiration (aha!) came from the need to utilise my time in a somewhat better manner....
So here I am... writing my first blog.
Oh b.t.w the title of my blog... basically refers to thoughts from random corners of my idle brain... and that's what I'm gonna write about.
c ya later